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electric generator造句

"electric generator"是什么意思  
  • This steam is used to turn turbine blades of electric generators .
  • The steam is carried through pipes to steam turbines which drive the electric generators .
  • Tianjin second electric generator factory
  • Pure hydrogen gas is used in large electric generators to cool the coils
  • Power rating of electric generator
  • Axle driven electric generator
  • Brushless electric generator
  • We have an emergency - standby electric generator with a capacity of 300 kilowatts
  • Chopper an emergency landing ? the ground ' s full of electric generator windmills
  • We have an emergency - standby electric generator with a capacity of 300 kilowatts
  • It's difficult to see electric generator in a sentence. 用electric generator造句挺难的
  • We have an emergency - standby electric generator with a capacity of 300 kilowatts
  • A nomad affluent enough to use a light bulb in his tent can buy an electric generator
  • An electric generator is usually driven by a steam turbine , and this is how most electricity is produced today
  • With the development of modern industry , the manufacture technology of large electric generator is getting more and more complete
  • Recommended practice for preparation of equipment specifications for speed - governing of hydraulic turbines intended to drive electric generators
  • In principle , the earth ' s dynamo operates like the familiar electric generator , which creates electric and magnetic fields from the kinetic energy of its moving parts
  • Many of our members have received training at formosa s directorate general of telecommunications , so we knew how to set up the radio equipment . we sent all our electric generators and radio equipment to the disaster areas after the earthquake
  • Auto parts : filters , water tanks , fans , batteries , ignition devices , bearings , , shock , shock absorber , hub , wheel and the brake , electric generators , air - conditions , windows lifter , boron , automobile lighting systems , car alarm
  • The key to that is a so - called rankine cycle engine , which captures waste heat from the car ' s exhaust and puts it back to work to heat water , which gets converted to steam to power an electric generator , which in turn charges the car ' s battery pack
    这项技术的关键是被称为“林肯循环引擎” ,它抓住了废热从汽车的尾气排出,使它重新投入工作,以热水转化为蒸汽,启动电动发电机。
  • Thermocouple and thermal resistance in power station suit to measure temperature of electric generator groups and auxiliary machine correspond to 300000 and 600000 kilowatt , which can substitute one from import with many advantages as shock - proof , pressure - resistant , long in service , and convenience in maintain etc . the protective tube is processed in a special construction by deep - blind hole technology whose end not be welded to enhance the strength and prolong service life . thermocouple or thermal resistance
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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